A new year can mean a fresh start to a lot of things. And one of those things we should all be focused on is our personal finances!
Below are seven financial New Year’s resolutions which will help you get your finances in order.
Most people don’t actually have a written down budget.
Budgeting allows you to actually plan your finances. It doesn’t have to be down to the single penny, but having a rough budget makes your life a lot easier.
Set a weekly, monthly and yearly budget.
“Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving” – Warren Buffet.
This quote cannot be truer.
I think a lot of us often try and save “what’s left over” at the end of the month. And that figure is more often than not a big, fat zero.
Decide how much of your monthly income you can afford to put away. When you receive your income, put that figure away immediately and live off the remaining cash
Whether you like it or not, we all have unneeded expenses.
Recurring monthly online subscriptions, eating out maybe just a little bit too often, or having a few too many drinks.
If an expense is not needed, then cut it down as much as you possibly can.
In winter it’s difficult not to have the heating systems on all day.
However, you can still try cut down your utilities.
Try reducing shower times. I know it’s easy to just never want to get out, especially if we are in the ABBA mood! But those extra minutes under the hot water can add up financially.
Be a bit more efficient with the heating systems.
In summer, depending on how hot your area gets, you can turn off your geyser for a while. This saves a lot of money on your electricity bill.
How much money do you want to have put away after six months? And after twelve months?
Write it down, set the goal and try achieving it!
Put a small amount of money aside every month for unexpected expenses.
Having an emergency fund is super important, as we all know those unexpected expenses love to creep up at the wrong times!
It doesn’t have to be much, but if you consistently put away a small amount of cash for this purpose, it will slowly grow and be there to help you out when needed.
Even if we work 40 plus hours a week, we all can definitely put a few more hours aside and work on a side project.
Be it trading stocks, writing blogs, making long term investments in companies, having a second income stream is a massive positive for our personal finances.
It also can reduce stress if or when emergencies happen, or you get laid off your job.
Be sure to make 2019 the year you tackle your finances the way you want to!